Getting Started with Google Analytics 4 - Workshop

West48 Conference Center

What: A workshop to learn the basics of Google Analytics 4
Wednesday, March 29, 2023. 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
West48 Conference Center in West Des Moines

des moines google analytics training

Learn Google Analytics 4 at This West Des Moines Workshop

The digital landscape has changed significantly since Google Universal Analytics launched in 2012 and became the standard for website reporting and analysis. With Google’s newest tool, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), lined up to replace the current Universal Analytics platform in July of 2023, there’s a lot marketers need to know about this new property and the drastic changes in the approaches used to collect and report on data.

Join our digital experts to find out why GA4 matters for your website, the differences between Universal Analytics and GA4, how to set up and optimize a GA4 account and helpful tips and tricks for navigating through the platform on your own. 

This event is perfect for anyone seeking to learn more about GA4, including how to set up and optimize GA4 for their own or a company’s website. 

Attendees are encouraged to bring their personal or work computers should they want to jump into Google Analytics themselves during the training.

Takeaways will include:

  • Working knowledge of GA4 and the key differences between GA4 and Universal Analytics
  • A basic understanding of how to set up a GA4 property 
  • Guidance to set up a variety of common reports and use the Explore custom report builder to create non-standard reports
  • Helpful tips for navigating through the platform
The Event Venue

The event will be held at the West48 Conference Center, located at 1601 48th St. in West Des Moines. The workshop will begin at 1:00 pm and end at roughly 3:30 pm.

des moines google analytics training

Event Registration

To register for this event, click and enter your information. Please add the event to your calendar. We will send you a reminder Email a couple days before the event. Feel free to contact Laura Sorensen at with questions.

Your Information